The Importance of Protein

The Importance of Protein

Any person you talk to when asking for tips or tricks to healthy eating will probably tell you the same three things over and over again. Those three things are 1. Pay attention to sugar 2. Limit fats and oils and 3. Watch your caloric intake. While all three of these aspects are proven to support healthy lifestyles, why do we forget the vital aspect of consuming protein? When people think of protein they think it solely has to deal with bodybuilding and working out but in reality, it is so much more than that.

High protein breakfast meals and snacks may sound like a fad diet trend now, but as more people start adding more protein to their everyday diets we are seeing some interesting and impressive results. Protein within breakfast and daytime snacks can give the everyday person benefits such as curbing hunger and increasing energy. These benefits may sound like average results you could receive from any other breakfast or snack choice but they are especially important with children and the busy on the go moms of today.

For children today, protein is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and supporting strong functioning organs. So when children get the proper amount of protein needed, they are ensuring themselves of a longer and happier life. According to physician and known author Dr. Natalie Digate Muth, children don’t need as much protein as we think they do and yet they still do not receive enough in their daily diet. Muth states that children ages 4-13 should receive .45g of protein per pound of body weight a day which roughly equals out to 20-35g a day. Kids can be picky when it comes to eating but they can receive protein through non traditional sources as well as traditional meat sources. Some of these non traditional sources include oatmeal, greek yogurt, beans, lentils, and eggs. These non traditional sources of protein can be easily incorporated into recipes and meals that your children will love.

The need for protein doesn't stop with children! Adults (especially moms) benefit greatly too. According to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) chart women need approximately 46g or .36g per pound of body weight. For the everyday hard working mom, getting all of the key nutrients is difficult due to the hectic schedules and the busy days. Protein in the average woman supports the repairing of muscle tissue and production of natural bodily chemicals such as enzymes and hormones. Protein can be So moms need their protein just as much as their kids!

So no matter what lifestyle you live or choices you make this macronutrient can be found in a wide variety of foods for you to consume. With all that being said, the trend in protein is ever growing and supplementing the diet in a way that is for the better for our future.

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